sábado, 19 de marzo de 2011

What makes a great teacher?

In every school, parents want their children to get good teachers, and they are really on the ball because researches have shown that the quality the teachers have is the dominate factor n hoe successful students are and what achievements students can get ; that is why, many people ask what makes a great teacher.

Well, a teacher becomes great by loving teaching and enjoying every single moment that he or she teaches.  Another important point is knowing his or her students and understanding who they are, what the students’ need are, and what kind of contribution they can have in the classroom are important aspects that a great teacher must take into account. Moreover, a great teacher has to know his o her subject areas really well. It is important for a teacher to be self-confident and to be sure and aware about what he or she is teaching. The teacher is the one in charge of making his or her students enjoy the school, and this is done by creating a good environment where the students feel comfortable and look forward to getting knowledge every day. The teacher enthusiasm affects and increases the students’ motivation. Some other important characteristics are:
  •  The teacher has to know the students interests and strengths.
  • Let the students know who they are as individuals.
  • Smile at his or her students.
  • Encourage students to participate in school activities.
  • Spend time beyond class time to help students be successful in their class.
  • Give students descriptive feedback on assignments.
  • Show how what students learn is connected to real life.
  • Apologize when students make mistakes.
  • Give meaningful work
  • The teacher has to be energetic, enthusiastic and has to enjoy his or her job.
In conclusion, I can say what makes a great teacher is being himself or herself all the time, being knowledgeable, having a good relationship and connection with his or her students, enjoying every single class he or she gives, and remembering all the time why he or she decided to be a teacher. 

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